Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi, my name is Cristian Bravo I’m posgrade student in first year of Ciencias Silvoagropecuarias y Veterinarias Doctorate program.  I job in FAVET-INBIOGEN laboratory, specifically in molecular pathology and genomic research. Other relevant activity that I make is classes in the veterinary medicine school. On the other hand, I play in a rock band and hope record our first album this year. I hope that this blog let me learn English and make good friend


  1. Hello Cristian, i am intrested in genomic research too, i hope that we can colaborate to generate a intresting research.

    I see you soon.

  2. Dear
    I hope the band continue doing so good music, listen to the chorus was very good jeje

  3. hello:
    I so happy to be with you in another class..thanks for your words..i think the same..
    see yu
